Learn. Teach. Repeat.
teaching and learning
about social studies

Games for USVA History
Games are a great way to review students before any type of formal assessment.

Students are required to correct the events on the timeline.

Fix It! Review for SOL
This game is called 'Fix It'. I created because I wanted to prepare students for the more rigorous questions that they would encounter on the new SOL. This game is played with students in two teams. The students choose from a variety of problems that they must fix. It really requires the students to do more than simply reply with a memorized answer.
Click the button below to download the game.
SWAT Template
SWAT is a teacher-led, interactive PowerPoint game. If you have a projector and two fly swatters (preferably unused) you can play with your students! This is a template for the game. It is easy to customize and really can be used for vocabulary review in any subject area. You may have seen this game played in a simpler form on a white board or chalk board. This is the same game, but a student teacher I worked with made it high-tech. You'll love it!
Download the template below.